Thursday, August 6, 2009

ArtOfLiving !!! Remember my name

br>During my second month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a
onscientious student and had breezed through the questions, until I read the
last one: "What is the first name of the woman who cleans the

Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several
times. She was tall, dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her
name? I handed in my paper, leaving the last question

Just before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count
toward our quiz grade. "Absolutely," said the professor. "In your careers,
you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention
and care, even if all you do is smile and say

I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Kubera is still the king of Earth !!! I didn't know that... read on..

Every year, I do a lot of Poojas on various festivals and at the end there is mantra pushpanjali. We all say it very religiously...
Yesterday I got small small booklets explaining the meaning behind various mantras. I was shocked to learn that Mantrapushpanjali is signing glories to Kind Kuber.
It literally says that King Kuber is the greatest king and let his empire expand etc.. etc..

The only constant thing in the world is change, does that apply here? Kubera was the king at that time and after Gods its King's turn... Is he still THE king?

May be its worth knowing at high level atleast what the shlokas mean?

Actually I have a very good friend who is very straightforward. He says why say it in a language which we don't understand. Why not simply translate and say it... Prayers i s not able sacred words, its about sacred feelings...
Are we allowed to change the tradition? Should we simplify ?

1. Mantrapushpanjali

2. One of the booklets:
Gyan prabhodhini Ganesh Pooja book - See page 10.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Emotionally Spastic??

Vivek was walking to go to office when he saw a spastic person walking to catch bus for his work. Everyday he had been going same road to his job. On his way there was a small uneven area and that spastic person would fumble and Vivek if there would help him through the patch. That used to happen quite often, you know it was the same spot but the spastic person would fumble anyway, Vivek used to offer help but that person used to refuse.


Maya's husband is little hot-headed. He get angry over small things and there is a fight… Fighting over small issues is common for Maya now and she is quite frustrated about her

husband's behavior..


what's the difference, we all have our weaknesses, some physical some emotional…


In fact people feel so much pity or bad about handicap people that they are more than willing to help but I don't know why same people are screaming about person who are emotionally handicap.  Maya's husband has a genetic tendency and I don't know how much we can really change our basic nature.  


Is there a co-relation between these 2 stories ? Emotional weakness and physical one  are they on the same level ?

Maya can't change her husband's nature but can she give him a helping hand?



There is one famous guy, who said "Accept people as they are". I kind of liked it…. I would stop complaining why he is failing whether in a physical or mental quality, you will feel like helping and that will solve lot of problems    


That spastic person or angry husband,  both are not ABLE to change but can we make other choice .. one that makes us happier ….


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bol Kabira Bol...

The other day I landed on this Doha, its by Kabir

ऐसी वाणी बोलिये, मनका आपा खोय
अपना तन शीतल करे, औरो को सुख होय

I have heard people saying, talk sweet.. talk truth.. but this guy says something different...
Also he is asking a lot...
  • मनका आपा खोय - meaning talk that reduces the ego... cannot boost myself.. can't be tooo selfish..
  • अपना तन शीतल करे - should be calming for myself
  • औरो को सुख होय - should benefit others...

3 in one formula... he isn't saying talk truth ... neither saying talk sweet... or is he saying that also kind of in between the lines?

Is it possible to say things that are 3 in one?
Can one make other happy ... might have to say something unpleasant but shouldn't backfire... that's 2nd condition ???
Is it easy to say something that reduces ego but doesn't secretly bite myself inside ??
You think its practical to not talk good about yourself all the time?

Your comments are very important... do drop in a line...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it helps when you point out something in others in a way that doesn't offend them too much.Thats labelled constructive criticism ... Keep posting Shriram

June 14, 2009 5:38 AM

Blogger Dinesh said...

i think in this doha kabir ji is talking about one of three discipline guru ji talked in first video of ashtavakra geeta where he talks about qualification on spiritual path. The discipline of body, discipline of speech and discipline of mind. so kabir ji in this doha talking about discipline of speech i feel in context of spiritual growth (and remember every thing is spiritual aspect of your life whether you meditate or go to pub it influences your spirit like wise) anyways so in this doha he says you should speak such which is pleasant you as well as others and when you say sometime you have to say unpleasant things to other but you can tell them in words which are not blunt not harsh... and i think guruji is the best example to follow this he even say things for our growth but is such words that we just take with smile. isnt it? and more over about ego see guruji when he talks and walk in world for him every thing belongs to HIM then where is separateness where is ego...

Jai gurudev

June 16, 2009 7:55 AM

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