Friday, February 19, 2010

Dalai Lama and Sri Sri say the same thing...

I was reading Art of Living famous Sri Sri's articles and then once I read this story of Dalai Lama. Both said exactly the same thing about forgiving...  How divine... spend a couple of minutes to think about it..

Excerpt from book : The wisdom of forgiveness (Page 47)
When I first met the Dalai Lama some three decades ago, he told me that he had for given the Chinese for what they have done to the Tibetans.At the time, I had been surprised. Now I wanted to learn more in the upcoming interview. As the Dalai Lama came into the audience hall and sat down across from me, I asked him without any preamble, "Your Holiness, I thought it natural that you'd harbor resentment toward the Chinese. Yet you've told me that this is not so. But do you, sometimes at least, experience deep feelings of animosity?""That almost never," the Dalai Lama replied. "I analyze like this: if I develop bad feelings toward those who make me suffer, this will only destroy my own peace of mind. But if I forgive, my mind becomes calm. Now, concerning our struggle for freedom, if we do it without anger, without hatred,but with true forgiveness, we can carry that struggle even more effectively. Struggle with calm mind, with compassion.Through analytical meditation, I now have full conviction that destructive emotions like hatred is no use. Nowadays,anger, hatred, they don't come. But little irritation some-times come."

Link to the book: